30 Day Productivity
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Day One Productivity Tip

Parkinson’s Law simply states that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”

That’s why you can see university students do an entire semester’s worth of study in a single night, while it can take a retired lady of leisure an entire day to do something as simple as write and send a postcard. You can use Parkinson’s law to your advantage by giving yourself less time to do tasks. 

Think it will take you an hour to do something? Give yourself 20 minutes -- and have a timer ticking beside you.  What you’ll find is that you buckle down and do the task as fast as you possibly can so as to complete it before the timer hits zero. Suddenly feel like checking Facebook to see what Wendy’s doing? Screw that, you tell yourself, you’ve only got 12 minutes left! Likewise, instead of spending 30 minutes every morning leisurely browsing your inbox, give yourself no more than five minutes.

If you want to go hardcore, try giving yourself 2-3minutes. 

Parkinson's Law